Masks by Roland Count Brown


Which mask did you wear today? The mask desiring a better pay, oooohhh!!!! The mask that pretend pain fade away. Which mask did you wear today? The silver Judas mask pretending you love your neighbours, the mask wishing your enemies tear like paper. Deadly serpent eyes, Delilah in disguise, using forbidden fruit to make a pie. Which mask did you wear today? The smile after you just cheat on your wife, the acrimony piercing heart like a knife, the darkness taking over the light. Mask of deceptive disguise, mask of not appreciating life, making sins pleasure by choice, reluctantly you write the right. Easy choice you left the right, mask of confusion left thinking right. Which mask did you wear today? The mask acting like you love humanity, tell me do you feel that warmth when you hug vanity?

The mask of thinking before you answer, mask of weak thoughts devilish sponsor, before you answer. Did you wear the mask, that hide your past, breaking the masks of apprentice in your class, that's how you hide your past. Which mask did you wear today? Pretend that you happy for someone success, someone glory story killing you inside you upset, balance the universe never object. Did you wear the mask  like guns hands aiming at pockets, venom dripping from fatal fangs like faucet, spiritual blood sucking your asset. Wearing the mask denying yourself you keep it real, designing yourself to church you bring a steel. Find hungry mouth bring a meal, even when you know one good deed cannot seal the deal. Which mask did you wear today? Smoke of hell still on your clothes, happy with your family other family bringing rose. Pretending to promote life you watering rose, pathetic thinking you change your ways when you change your clothes.

Mask on of saying we love, saying we trust, still making love using glove. Master masking mask we might be modern animals, human have canines greed for cook meat undercover cannibals, just check the food chain it's our animal instincts eating animals. Masks everywhere advance vampire draining energy, leaving an empty vessel in the cemetery. Masks conceal hell in love not the letter L, place we call earth hell of hell. Which mask you wear today? If  you read this poem that line, echo through mind, am just the messenger now await the signs.

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