There Use To Be A Time, There Will Be A Time, The Current Time
There use to be a time brothers and sisters enhance shine, there will be a time the current time shock your mind, no tick tock when the clock strike nine. There use to be a time which let me hate the current time, carefree free minds competitions which tree you climb. There use use to be a time words of motivation to climb, there will be a time individuals motivate elevate your mind,the current time words attempt to block the shining shine, burning words imagine cuts meet lime. Blossoms bloom like may in May, autumn fall determination pave the way, cruelty of the world judging judgements make a million today, still cannot save the day.
There use to be a time only age let us see nine, brothers age sixteen still feel nine, let you stop when you don't see sign the current time. There use to be a time we wear one shoes nothing to lose, the current time the clothes the shoes we choose might make the news, choosing friends turn foe confuse. We know we got enemies, enemies envy empty, friendship sink vessels empty, life short only cricket give a chance at a century. There use to be a time, there will be a time, the current time the current time, shocking news the current time.
Roland S Brown
There use to be a time brothers and sisters enhance shine, there will be a time the current time shock your mind, no tick tock when the clock strike nine. There use to be a time which let me hate the current time, carefree free minds competitions which tree you climb. There use use to be a time words of motivation to climb, there will be a time individuals motivate elevate your mind,the current time words attempt to block the shining shine, burning words imagine cuts meet lime. Blossoms bloom like may in May, autumn fall determination pave the way, cruelty of the world judging judgements make a million today, still cannot save the day.
There use to be a time only age let us see nine, brothers age sixteen still feel nine, let you stop when you don't see sign the current time. There use to be a time we wear one shoes nothing to lose, the current time the clothes the shoes we choose might make the news, choosing friends turn foe confuse. We know we got enemies, enemies envy empty, friendship sink vessels empty, life short only cricket give a chance at a century. There use to be a time, there will be a time, the current time the current time, shocking news the current time.
Roland S Brown
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