Amazon Magic(A poem dedicated to Amazon for giving me the privilege to publish my work)

Amazon Online Magic

Magical online multinational technological company Amazon, individuals focusing on e-commerce cloud computing Amazon have a plan, artificial intelligence no guessing you choose number one. Thanks to Amazon create a career for Roland, talented Author Fiery talent from a infamous land, KDP self publish privilege to design your own brand, we all need assistance believe me Amazon understand. Base in Seattle formerly Cadabra Inc the rising computing battle, this is life even giants sometime get tackle, life is never easy like picking an apple, however it's possible to achieve the impossible ask Apple, New York New York the big apple, Amazon Amazon find Washington DC you find Seattle.

 Amazon gift the big tech company along with Google Apple and Facebook, Amazon give Author page a welcome to my place look. You can visit Amazon Author central, KDP community meet new pen pal, Kindle Owner's Lending library close to book rental. Educational programming on the internet give kids a push, Audible studio downloadable audio books, music that steal your soul musical crook. 

Readers reading The Fiery Eye Beast Rolling Calf by Roland, non readers still need to checkout Amazon, Peruvian Columbian Ecuadorian Venezuelan Brazilian, you are welcome to check if Amazon flow like river Amazon. Ignite the world from July 1994 to 1995 present Amazon still manage to stay strong, provision of more jobs on the land, respect every South American that visit their Amazon, forget geographical location, less barriers to visit the American Amazon. Joyful Joy joyous qualities Amazon never Omit, find happiness grab your digital DC Comics. Amazon Prime delivery on Sunday, you are wonderful have a wonderful day, you can open your package before Monday, want a Nike just do it by Tuesday.

 Festive season purchase toys and games , your kids will love you more Amazon provide a reason warmth by flame, cold time seek comfort with burning flames, shipping of alcohol heat in your cold body ease the pain. Check Amazon Amazon whether you old or in your prime, keep shopping online, Amazon go the extra mile for customers no stop sign, those lines so true put it on rewind. Delivery for customers in the cold, Amazon create a way to create warm in your soul. Summer winter respect for customer still the same, just order online Amazon employees care they will bare the pain, think Amazon everytime you see a plane. Any products or service you want Amazon may have it, appear at your doorstep call that Amazon magic, quality service for customers that’s a habit, Amazon will deliver carrots even if the order is from a rabbit, thanks to Amazon giving customers the privilege of online magic.

                                                                                                                                                         Roland S Brown

Amazon Online Magic

Magical online multinational technological company Amazon, individuals focusing on e-commerce cloud computing Amazon have a plan, artificial intelligence no guessing you choose number one. Thanks to Amazon create a career for Roland, talented Author Fiery talent from a infamous land, KDP self publish privilege to design your own brand, we all need assistance believe me Amazon understand. Base in Seattle formerly Cadabra Inc the rising computing battle, this is life even giants sometime get tackle, life is never easy like picking an apple, however it's possible to achieve the impossible ask Apple, New York New York the big apple, Amazon Amazon find Washington DC you find Seattle.

 Amazon gift the big tech company along with Google Apple and Facebook, Amazon give Author page a welcome to my place look. You can visit Amazon Author central, KDP community meet new pen pal, Kindle Owner's Lending library close to book rental. Educational programming on the internet give kids a push, Audible studio downloadable audio books, music that steal your soul musical crook. 

Readers reading The Fiery Eye Beast Rolling Calf by Roland, non readers still need to checkout Amazon, Peruvian Columbian Ecuadorian Venezuelan Brazilian, you are welcome to check if Amazon flow like river Amazon. Ignite the world from July 1994 to 1995 present Amazon still manage to stay strong, provision of more jobs on the land, respect every South American that visit their Amazon, forget geographical location, less barriers to visit the American Amazon. Joyful Joy joyous qualities Amazon never Omit, find happiness grab your digital DC Comics. Amazon Prime delivery on Sunday, you are wonderful have a wonderful day, you can open your package before Monday, want a Nike just do it by Tuesday.

 Festive season purchase toys and games , your kids will love you more Amazon provide a reason warmth by flame, cold time seek comfort with burning flames, shipping of alcohol heat in your cold body ease the pain. Check Amazon Amazon whether you old or in your prime, keep shopping online, Amazon go the extra mile for customers no stop sign, those lines so true put it on rewind. Delivery for customers in the cold, Amazon create a way to create warm in your soul. Summer winter respect for customer still the same, just order online Amazon employees care they will bare the pain, think Amazon everytime you see a plane. Any products or service you want Amazon may have it, appear at your doorstep call that Amazon magic, quality service for customers that’s a habit, Amazon will deliver carrots even if the order is from a rabbit, thanks to Amazon giving customers the privilege of online magic.

                                                                                                                                                         Roland S Brown

Amazon Online Magic

Magical online multinational technological company Amazon, individuals focusing on e-commerce cloud computing Amazon have a plan, artificial intelligence no guessing you choose number one. Thanks to Amazon create a career for Roland, talented Author Fiery talent from a infamous land, KDP self publish privilege to design your own brand, we all need assistance believe me Amazon understand. Base in Seattle formerly Cadabra Inc the rising computing battle, this is life even giants sometime get tackle, life is never easy like picking an apple, however it's possible to achieve the impossible ask Apple, New York New York the big apple, Amazon Amazon find Washington DC you find Seattle.

 Amazon gift the big tech company along with Google Apple and Facebook, Amazon give Author page a welcome to my place look. You can visit Amazon Author central, KDP community meet new pen pal, Kindle Owner's Lending library close to book rental. Educational programming on the internet give kids a push, Audible studio downloadable audio books, music that steal your soul musical crook. 

Readers reading The Fiery Eye Beast Rolling Calf by Roland, non readers still need to checkout Amazon, Peruvian Columbian Ecuadorian Venezuelan Brazilian, you are welcome to check if Amazon flow like river Amazon. Ignite the world from July 1994 to 1995 present Amazon still manage to stay strong, provision of more jobs on the land, respect every South American that visit their Amazon, forget geographical location, less barriers to visit the American Amazon. Joyful Joy joyous qualities Amazon never Omit, find happiness grab your digital DC Comics. Amazon Prime delivery on Sunday, you are wonderful have a wonderful day, you can open your package before Monday, want a Nike just do it by Tuesday.

 Festive season purchase toys and games , your kids will love you more Amazon provide a reason warmth by flame, cold time seek comfort with burning flames, shipping of alcohol heat in your cold body ease the pain. Check Amazon Amazon whether you old or in your prime, keep shopping online, Amazon go the extra mile for customers no stop sign, those lines so true put it on rewind. Delivery for customers in the cold, Amazon create a way to create warm in your soul. Summer winter respect for customer still the same, just order online Amazon employees care they will bare the pain, think Amazon everytime you see a plane. Any products or service you want Amazon may have it, appear at your doorstep call that Amazon magic, quality service for customers that’s a habit, Amazon will deliver carrots even if the order is from a rabbit, thanks to Amazon giving customers the privilege of online magic.

                                                                                                                                                         Roland S Brown
